5 Social Media Secrets All Real Estate Agents Should Know

As a real estate agent in 2022, social media is essential. I could speak on this topic all day long, but my advice really boils down to one key message: Generate high-quality content that delivers value to your audience. That is how you grow a following, keep the attention of potential leads, and (most importantly) share a relevant and memorable brand message. When done correctly, your social media content will grab and retain the attention of past, present, and future clients, expand your reach (and your revenue!), and help brand you as the go-to agent in your market. If you’re a real estate agent looking to use social media to the fullest, here are five things you should be doing:

1. Educating buyers.

Imagine what buyers with limited knowledge of the home-buying process and market might be Googling, and provide an education on those topics. Then imagine what they aren’t Googling, but should be, and provide insider tips and knowledge to draw them in. You do this day in and day out—here’s the perfect platform to share your knowledge directly with the people who need it.

2. Providing a variety of content.

If your feed is all real estate, all the time, you’re not doing it right! You need to post a variety of content, including things that are timely—like commentary on news and trends—as well as personal—to show people a bit more about who you are and what makes you different.

3. Positioning yourself as the go-to expert in your area.

Why should people in your market choose you as their agent? Are you a third-generation resident? Do you have three kids who are all excelling in the public school system? Do you coach little league at the park on weekends, or know all the best local restaurants? Share your intimate knowledge of the area so that people see that nobody knows your town better than you.

4. Using video.

Video is essential for marketing today. Create virtual tours, give out-of-town clients FaceTime walk-throughs, and film yourself giving short, focused tips on a timely topic.

5. Maintaining consistent messaging.

Your social media content must align with your personal brand. If you don’t have a personal brand, develop that first! Personal branding is so important to an agent’s success that I’ve launched a course about it, wrote a book about it, and basically talk about it nonstop. Your brand is the thing that separates you from the competition—it’s what makes you unique and results in a client choosing you over someone else. That’s why you must devote time to ironing out your personal brand, and then maintaining consistent, on-brand content at all times, on all channels. Example: Are you the “rocker agent” who (in a previous life) once played drums for Metallica? Make sure that’s conveyed in your posts, whether in the language you use, the videos you post, or the information you share. Are you the “vegan agent” whose open-houses always have the best spread of local vegan treats? Same deal: Convey this crucial element of your brand on all of your platforms, in everything you do. This is the special sauce—the “And”—that goes beyond just selling real estate and gives your content a memorable, personal touch.

Keep these tips in mind as you assess your social media strategy. It’s never too late or too soon to re-evaluate your content, and I promise you this: Putting in the time and effort to create consistent, on-brand social media posts WILL have a huge impact on your business.