Peter Schiff: We Are On The Brink of A Catastrophe | SchiffGold

Peter Schiff: We Are On The Brink of A Catastrophe | SchiffGold

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Jerome Powell’s 60 Minutes portrayal of the national debt crisis as a distant concern starkly contrasts with the urgent reality we face. Peter Schiff doesn’t mince words in his most recent podcast when he highlights the immediate threat:

It’s not a problem for the future. This is not a long-term problem anymore; this is a short-term problem that could blow up any minute. It’s this generation that’s going to pay the piper, not some future generation. It’s happening right now.”

In his last podcast, Peter pointed out that the US is on the hook for over $1 trillion in debt payments every year.

We are not merely approaching a fiscal danger zone; we have already entered it:

Jerome Powell shouldn’t be worried about it because we’re on an unsustainable path; he should be worried that we’ve already arrived at an unsustainable destination.”

Despite Powell’s soothing assurances, Schiff points out the grim outlook for future generations. The Fed’s monetary policy will also cost your grandkids:

It’s going to be a problem for the future generations. We’re taxing, borrowing from the future generations. It’s unsustainable and it’s going to be a problem in the future…  That’s basically a way of saying it’s not a problem right now, so none of you who are watching 60 Minutes tonight have to worry. It’s your grandkids right that they have to worry. So who cares, right? They’ll figure out.”

Schiff warns that we’re teetering on the edge of a fiscal abyss, challenging the optimistic economic narrative:

We are on the brink of a fiscal catastrophe…Contrary to Powell’s optimistic assessments, I see an economy built on shaky foundations of debt-fueled spending and artificially low interest rates.”

Peter explains that we need immediate, proactive measures, like putting out a wildfire before it spreads:

We can’t wait for the crisis; we have to preempt the crisis. As bad as it’s going to be, waiting for the market to cause it is going to be even worse. We have to bring the crisis about under our own terms, kind of like a controlled burn, to the extent you can even control it, rather than waiting for an uncontrollable wildfire to just develop.”

Schiff accuses Powell of playing politics, particularly in the run-up to an election, painting a rosy picture of the economy to avoid making tough decisions that might jeopardize Biden:

[Powell is] a politician; he wants to pretend that everything is great, to let the politicians off the hook from having to actually make any of the difficult political choices. And it’s only difficult because it jeopardizes their reelection…Powell is basically doing an infomercial for the Biden Administration, talking about how great the economy is… claiming victory over inflation.”

As we stand at the crossroads of fiscal responsibility and economic fantasy, the choice is clear yet daunting. Ignoring the clarion call for immediate action in favor of complacency and political convenience not only jeopardizes our current economic stability but also mortgages the future of generations yet unborn.

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