Welcome To The United Banana Republics Of America! US Debt At $31.8 TRILLION And Growing Fast, Unfunded Liabiliities At $188 TRILLION, Personal Taxes Will Be Rising To Pay For This Outrageous Spending Splurge

Welcome To The United Banana Republics Of America! US Debt At .8 TRILLION And Growing Fast, Unfunded Liabiliities At 8 TRILLION, Personal Taxes Will Be Rising To Pay For This Outrageous Spending Splurge

Nicolas Maduro of Venezuela must be envious of Joe Biden. I don’t think even Maduro has the stones to have his politiical opponent charged with espionage in the run-up to a Presidential election. Particularly when the US President has been bribed by China and Ukraine and has similiar sensitive document hoarding issues (at least Trump didn’t leave boxes of sensitive documents in a garage like Biden did when he keeps his Chevy Corvette).

So where do we sit today after Biden has signed the debt ceiling increase and massive spending splurge?

First, look at the crashing bank deposit problem. Well, the solution is for The Fed to fire up the money printing press! Keep on printing!

My former colleague at Deutsche Bank, Joe Carson, has a nice writeup entitled “Long-Run Effects of Budget/Debt Deal Are Not Investor-Friendly: Higher Rates and Taxes Are Coming.” Carsons shows that taxes will indeed be going up. And the tax burden is being shifted towards individuals.

And away from corporations.

This not surprising if you have read Nobel Laureate George Stigler’s treastise on regulatory capture. Essentially, big corporations (big media, big tech, big banking, big pharma, big defense, big agriculture, etc.) essentially own Congress, the Biden Administration and Federal regulators. After all, Biden has been bribed with millions of dollars by China and Ukraine and, like a Banana Republic, has is avoiding prosecution and instead prosecuting his political opponent, Trump. Don’t worry, if they get Trump that will indict DeSantis for something.

US debt stands at $31.8 TRILLION with $188 TRILLION in unfunded liabilities (which means higher personal taxes and much more debt).

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